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Betnovate N Cream

(5 Reviews)
Betnovate n cream is a combination medicine that is used to treat various types of skin infections. It minimizes symptoms of inflammation such as redness, swelling, and itching. It also has an antimicrobial action against the infection-causing microorganisms.

Betnovate Ointment

(4 Reviews)
Betnovate ointment is a prescription medicine having a combination of medicines that is used to treat eczema and psoriasis. It provides relief from redness, itching and swelling. It removes the dead skin cells and helps in softening the skin.   

Big Fun 50 Tablet

(8 Reviews)
bigfun 50 tablet is a prescription medicine used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. It works by increasing blood flow to the penis. This helps men to get or maintain an erection. It belongs to a group of medicines known as phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE 5) inhibitors. buy bigfun | bigfun 50 mg price  


(4 Reviews)
Bigfun 100 MG TABLET is a prescription medicine used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. It works by increasing blood flow to the penis. This helps men to get or maintain an erection. It belongs to a group of medicines known as phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE 5) inhibitors.

Bigfun 100mg Tablet

(4 Reviews)
bigfun 100 mg tablet is a prescription medicine used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. It works by increasing blood flow to the penis. This helps men to get or maintain an erection. It belongs to a group of medicines known as phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE 5) inhibitors. bigfun 100 online | buy bigfun

Bigfun Jelly

(5 Reviews)
bigfun jelly is used to treat erectile dysfunction (inability to maintain erection for intercourse) in men. It relaxes the blood vessels in the penis, thereby increasing blood flow on sexual stimulation. This helps to achieve and maintain a hard, erect penis suitable for sexual activity. bigfun jelly online | buy bigfun | big fun jelly use in hindi

Bimat Eye Drop

(4 Reviews)
Bimat eye drop is a prostaglandin analogue. It works by increasing the outflow of aqueous humor, thereby lowering the increased eye pressure.

Bimat For Eyelash Growth

(5 Reviews)
Bimat for eyelash growth Eye Drop is a medicine used to reduce pressure in the eyes in adults with glaucoma and high pressure in the eye. If the pressure in your eye is too high it can damage your sight, potentially leading to blindness. It works by helping fluid flow from inside the eye into the blood. 

Biocaine 2 Injection

(6 Reviews)
Biocaine 2 Injection is a local anesthetic. It is used during minor surgical procedures such as dental, oral, diagnostic, or other therapeutic procedures to anesthetize or numb the surgical area. 


(5 Reviews)
Bioglandin500mcg Injection is used to treat patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), a heart defect that occurs in newborns. It improves blood circulation in such babies and helps treat this defect.


(22 Reviews)
Budecort 200 Inhaler is a steroid. It prevents the cells in the lungs and breathing passages from releasing chemical messengers that cause inflammation (swelling) of the airways.

Budecort 0.5 Mg Nebulizer

(4 Reviews)
Before taking Budecort 0.5 Mg Nebulizer, you should tell your doctor if you have tuberculosis, any infections in your mouth or lungs, or liver disease. While taking it you may be more at risk of getting infections so stay away from people with colds and flu.

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